Monday, July 26, 2010

"End of the Month" Casserole

So once again the month is not quite over yet the Dibbles have completely expended their allotted food budget. (What can I say? We love food) It is about this time every month that creative juices start to flow and culinary masterpieces and disasterpieces are created.
This one is a real winner, we'll call it "Kitchen Sink" Tuna Delight. We've got Swiss Chard, left over stale bread from a restaurant we went to almost a month ago, tuna, cheese, broccoli, peas, Cajun seasoning, elbow mac, milk, cheese and the casserole requisite - cream of mushroom soup. Yup, if that isn't a recipe for deliciousness I don't know what is. What better way to celebrate Pioneer Day week than with a random casserole and a healthy dose of frugality?
The question is, will the Dibble eat it? Only time can tell, pictures and Dave's reaction to follow...
It was a resounding success! The casserole was quite tasty and Dave enjoyed it thoroughly. OK, he still picked around the Swiss Chard a bit but at least I tried to get some leafy greens into him. I don't know if I will be able to quite re-create it, but we will enjoy it while it lasts (which may be awhile with only two of us eating it.)

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