Sunday, July 11, 2010

Pork Bun Fun

It has been my post-graduation mission to seek out the best steamed pork bun in NYC Chinatown. It has been a harrowing assignment, but for the good of mankind I perservered :). After almost every audition, I head to Chinatown to purchase one of these tasty treats. I've had an affinity for them ever since my wee days in San Francisco. I've been to 5 different bakeries and thus far the winner is...

Fay da bakery! This is a small chain, the one I went to is at 83 Mott St., near Canal St. The bun had a great filling to bun ration and the innards were sweet and tasty, with shredded pork as opposed to gelatinous cubes. Really, they are quite delightful.
Pick up a coconut custard bun while you are there as well, yum.

And who says I'm not being productive with my post-graduation time....

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