Monday, August 2, 2010

Spuddy Buddies

Dave's sister Margaret sent us a little present a few months ago because she is just that sweet. Being that she and her husband live in Idaho currently, of course it had to be potato related. Thus the "Spuddy Buddies," two lively stuffed potatoes, were introduced into our lives. It has been non-stop hijinx ever since. I have found the Spuddies in my underwear drawer, playing in the fridge, hiding in Dave's lunch so they could play with him at work, and even in my pillow when I am trying to sleep. Silly Spuddies...So yesterday as I was getting everything ready for Sunday diner, I found these guys hanging out on the table. Apparently Spud 1 had a primary lesson on being "revrant" at church and Spud 2 must have had a lesson on missionary work as he came home with his missionary tag on. All I have to say is, Dave is hilarious (and maybe has a little too much free time on his hands).

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