Sunday, June 27, 2010

Paintball Extravaganza

We took the Young Women/Young Men in our Ward (church group) paintballing on Saturday. (I know paintballing isn't really a verb/gerund but since I'm out of school, I can abuse the English language however I please with out fear of receiving a poor grade.)
It was ridiculously fun. Although the Young Women were not as enthusiastic as the Young Men at first, in the end everyone got into the spirit of death and carnage and had a great time. We managed to escape with all of our eyeballs and appendages intact and not a tear shed. I learned quite a bit about our young ladies from the experience: Ivy has sniper blood in her, Rebekah is an animal on the battlefield, sweet Chloe is a killer, and Alex is never afraid to take one for the team. Heidi Angus is completely fearless and I am quite comfortable just hiding behind a bush and picking people off. Dave got a few welts but other than that we were unscathed. We finished it all off with burgers and fries at Red Rooster. Go team Westchester!!!

1 comment:

evelania said...

Liz, you're so tough!!!