Friday, June 4, 2010

A road diverged in the wood...

I am officially starting a blog.  A little late to be jumping on the band wagon one might suggest, but I say better late than never.  Now that I have graduated from Purchase College with my MFA in dance performance, I have considerably more time on my hands.
I kept telling myself I wouldn't start blogging until Dave and I had children.  After all, who wants to read a blog without cute baby pictures in it? It is like receiving a Christmas card with a family picture of just a couple, something seems to be missing.  
Largely selfish motivations caused me to change my mind.  This post graduation period - even though it has only been a few short weeks, has been extraordinarily difficult.  I am attempting two seemingly impossible endeavors - to become pregnant and have a professional performing career in the NY dance scene.
Dave and I have been trying to have children for 4 years now and are finally seeing a fertility specialist.  Our journey has been an emotional roller coaster and continues to be a challenge.
Auditioning in New York is no emotional picnic either.  Add to these new found stresses that my support system of friends I've developed at school for two years has now been cut from my life.  
Somehow sharing my experiences with all of you seems to help me find meaning in the struggle, and not feel quite as lonely.  I'm grateful for everything I've been given, my loving husband, the gospel of Jesus Christ, my talents, and my trials.  This will be a time of building faith and finding joy in the journey.  It promises to be very entertaining as well.  Here's to entry number one and new adventures to be had.
- Liz


evelania said...

Um, hello. I cannot believe you've started a blog my over-busy friend. Welcome to the blogging world! I am excited to peek in on your life a little more. I know that this change is difficult for you right now and I am sorry for that. However, I know you will continue to be blessed and that all the time & effort you have poured into school will benefit your life. Love & miss you!

cecily said...

Liz you can come get some kiddy love at our house anytime! So happy that you got a dance gig, hope the fertility thing works out for you soon, you'd be awesome parents!