Monday, January 9, 2012

Happy New Year!

     It may seem a week late to some, but we are all over our colds and only now are ready to jump into the New Year.  We had so much fun on all our many "Decemberventures." Being with family in Utah, San Francisco, and DC was the greatest.  And we discovered that baby Philo is actually a wonderful traveler.  He slept like a champ on most flights and was generally pretty sociable.  Well, except for being overwhelmed by well-meaning cousins.  Little man also didn't fare too well in our attempt at a live nativity at the Dibble farm.  Although I was thrilled to finally play Mary after years of primary "shepherd-dom", Philo was not too keen on playing the baby Jesus.  Apparently he didn't get the Silent Night "no crying he makes" memo. 
     It does feel great to be healthy and back home and ready to jump into our lives again.  New York really does feel like home and this super mild winter is helping it feel even more like the place we want to be.  60 degrees people, 60 degrees on Saturday.  We will just enjoy it while we can.                                 

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