Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thanksgiving Bedrest

I finally contracted the crazy fever, aches, cough, congestion, extravaganza that's been going around.  Both Dave and Philo were sick over the last couple weeks and I thought I had dodged the bullet.  Not so.  Thanksgiving week found me very grateful for my bed and for apple sauce, one of the few things that felt ok on my throat. 
      Thanksgiving morning we went on a hike with Philo and he loved it.  We ate and spent the evening with some friends who live across the street.  It was a lovely meal and a lovely group of people.  Unfortunately I could barely talk and when I did I sounded a little bit like a gremlin.  We made butterscotch pie, apple crumble pie, and a raspberry jello concoction to share.  When we brought all our leftovers home that night, I thought, "Wow, all we have are sweets, we are never going to finish all this!"  Au contraire, it wasn't as hard as one might think. By the end of the weekend, we had devoured it all.  Pie for breakfast, mmmmmm.
      By Saturday I was having a little bit of a melt down after having been sick all week.  I was determined to have some kind of a family outing despite the fact I hadn't slept in 5 nights and could barely breathe.  Dave and I packed up baby and headed to the Bronx Botanical Gardens for a picnic.  It turned out to be quite lovely and Philo loved getting out of the house.  Dave did get an awesome painting done over the weekend as well.  There were definitely many things to be grateful for over the weekend and some lovely moments despite my penchant for spiking fevers.

      Unfortunately I'm not very grateful for this lingering cough. Good thing Philo is being such a good baby in spite of his mom's waning enthusiasm.  It is time to be done now, ok, thank you, bye, bye...

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