Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Testing, Testing

I went in for my HSG today. It really wasn't as bad as I anticipated. The nurse who attended me was wonderful. She had a calming, compassionate, peaceful persona and made sure I was informed about every detail of the procedure. It was nice to have a friendly face by my side during the entire experience. Although trust me, having a balloon inflated in your uterus is never a good time. My nurse kept asking me if I was experiencing any discomfort, I told her that I better get used to a little discomfort if I am planning on having a baby. She laughed :)

Dancing is going well. Realizing I still don't know what kind of movement/company is even right for me. It is like the dating process, just trying out different choreographers to see where I fit. I have two auditions this week, for Trio Dance Collective and White Wave. We'll see....


evelania said...

What is HSG??? And how'd that test go?

Liz Dibble said...

It went well, everything looks ship shape...It is the test to see if your tubes are open. Good times, hopefully you never have to have that done.