Thursday, June 24, 2010

Father's Day

Dave got the royal treatment on Father's day. I made his favorite muffins (Blueberry Crumble) for breakfast and we feasted as Millward and Spuddy sat on his present. He received some long awaited church shoes and a lot of love. Isn't it fun to wrap up necessary buys and make them into surprise presents? It just makes life a little more exciting. The primary was very cute as they sang in church and all of the men in the audience got a candy bar (which most of the wives promptly ate.)

We had Brenda and Wen-Chun over for fish tacos that evening and went on a lovely walk along the Bronx River Parkway. The fire-flies were out in full force, Wen-Chun was thoroughly impressed. It was so much fun to have the ladies over. What a great day. I'm glad we got to celebrate the amazing man that Dave is, although we have yet to have any of our own children, he is such a powerful father figure to so many. I love that guy...


Kristie Larsen said...

thanks for inviting me into the goings-on of your life! I LOVE reading about all things Dibble related. very fun. LOVED the 80's outfit and of course graduation! (congrats again) and my prayers are with you every step of the way. No matter where blogging or dancing or fertility tests take you. You are an amazing woman!!

Candi said...

I'm so glad you invited me to see your blog - it is so fun catching up with your exciting NYC life! I'm still so jealous of you!

Congrats on graduating & good luck deciding which company to go with. I will be sending good fertile vibes your way :) And or course, lots of "break a leg" vibes so you can make it big in your dancing career.

baby said...

Very lovely. I enjoy my blog too.