Wednesday, December 8, 2010

DC and Trio Dance

I saw a dear friend at the gym today who reminded me how long it has been since I blogged. Alas, I have been remiss in my blogging but I'm going to start my New Year's Resolution a bit early and start blogging again.
Dave and I ventured down to Washington DC for Thanksgiving. (Yes, Churchill is still running, one of the many miracles in our lives) We had a blast. A family that Dave knew really well from Layton has a strong east coast contingent and they were all getting together in DC. We were lucky enough to get the invite. Dave's good friend Dan-o flew out with his wife Autumn and daughter Audrey. We hadn't seen them in years and had never met their little girl (who is ridiculously adorable.) We stayed with Kara and Dave Ludlow and their gaggle of kids. Every morning when we walked into breakfast, their little boy Seth greeted us with "What are you doing here?" Loved it all, the kids, the food, the 11 pies, it was choice.
We also had the chance to visit the Library of Congress for the first time. It was a special experience, such an exquisite piece of architecture. We enjoyed it even more than we anticipated.
On our drive home, we stopped by Aunt Cleo's house for cucumber sandwiches and apple cake with her and Charles. Every time we get to spend time with the DC Dibbles we can't help but love them more and more. They are absolutely delightful. We even got to ride in Cleo's new chair :)
Last week was performance week with Trio Dance Collective. The show went really well, despite the fact I re-injured my ankle right before our opening night performance. Why I felt the need to do petite alegro with beats in warm-up class is beyond me. Despite some rather serious "ouchiness" I was able to perform quite well. The experience reminded me of how much I love to perform; the unpredictability, the ability to tell a new story every night. Good times.
On the fertility front, Dave and I have tried a round of Clomid. I have experienced some pretty nasty side-effects but hopefully it will all be worth it. The positive side is, any bad behavior on my side can now be blamed on the Clomid. "What? I couldn't help crying at that commercial, it was the Clomid." Or "I know I am being petulant and selfish, but really, it is the Clomid." along with "Honey, the Clomid is making me want ice-cream right now..." Let's hope Dave doesn't read this bit and get wise to my ruse...

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