Sunday, June 27, 2010

Paintball Extravaganza

We took the Young Women/Young Men in our Ward (church group) paintballing on Saturday. (I know paintballing isn't really a verb/gerund but since I'm out of school, I can abuse the English language however I please with out fear of receiving a poor grade.)
It was ridiculously fun. Although the Young Women were not as enthusiastic as the Young Men at first, in the end everyone got into the spirit of death and carnage and had a great time. We managed to escape with all of our eyeballs and appendages intact and not a tear shed. I learned quite a bit about our young ladies from the experience: Ivy has sniper blood in her, Rebekah is an animal on the battlefield, sweet Chloe is a killer, and Alex is never afraid to take one for the team. Heidi Angus is completely fearless and I am quite comfortable just hiding behind a bush and picking people off. Dave got a few welts but other than that we were unscathed. We finished it all off with burgers and fries at Red Rooster. Go team Westchester!!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Father's Day

Dave got the royal treatment on Father's day. I made his favorite muffins (Blueberry Crumble) for breakfast and we feasted as Millward and Spuddy sat on his present. He received some long awaited church shoes and a lot of love. Isn't it fun to wrap up necessary buys and make them into surprise presents? It just makes life a little more exciting. The primary was very cute as they sang in church and all of the men in the audience got a candy bar (which most of the wives promptly ate.)

We had Brenda and Wen-Chun over for fish tacos that evening and went on a lovely walk along the Bronx River Parkway. The fire-flies were out in full force, Wen-Chun was thoroughly impressed. It was so much fun to have the ladies over. What a great day. I'm glad we got to celebrate the amazing man that Dave is, although we have yet to have any of our own children, he is such a powerful father figure to so many. I love that guy...

80's Prom

Our dear friend (and Bishop), Mark Newman, turned 40 with style. He had a "half-way to 80" 80's prom at the Tuckahoe community center. The location itself was priceless, 80's ghetto fabulous. Everyone dusted off their bad tuxes, puffy sleeves, jelly bracelets, and big hair and hit the dance floor. It was delightful, we loved every minute of it. David Dibble is quite the dancer and now the secret is out. What it is it about 80's music and outfits that make you bounce up and down like a white guy/girl? It is just inevitable that you end up dancing like Kevin Bacon in Footloose. The highlight of the evening was Bishop Newman explaining to us that dancing is just referee moves all linked together. He choreographed an entire dance of referee moves to "Simply Irresistible."

We even stayed up until one o'clock, which is pretty wild and crazy for us these days.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Graduation and Final Concert. MFA Liz with the Dibbles, the Durens, and our lovely neighbors; Susan and Michael

Testing, Testing

I went in for my HSG today. It really wasn't as bad as I anticipated. The nurse who attended me was wonderful. She had a calming, compassionate, peaceful persona and made sure I was informed about every detail of the procedure. It was nice to have a friendly face by my side during the entire experience. Although trust me, having a balloon inflated in your uterus is never a good time. My nurse kept asking me if I was experiencing any discomfort, I told her that I better get used to a little discomfort if I am planning on having a baby. She laughed :)

Dancing is going well. Realizing I still don't know what kind of movement/company is even right for me. It is like the dating process, just trying out different choreographers to see where I fit. I have two auditions this week, for Trio Dance Collective and White Wave. We'll see....

Friday, June 4, 2010

A road diverged in the wood...

I am officially starting a blog.  A little late to be jumping on the band wagon one might suggest, but I say better late than never.  Now that I have graduated from Purchase College with my MFA in dance performance, I have considerably more time on my hands.
I kept telling myself I wouldn't start blogging until Dave and I had children.  After all, who wants to read a blog without cute baby pictures in it? It is like receiving a Christmas card with a family picture of just a couple, something seems to be missing.  
Largely selfish motivations caused me to change my mind.  This post graduation period - even though it has only been a few short weeks, has been extraordinarily difficult.  I am attempting two seemingly impossible endeavors - to become pregnant and have a professional performing career in the NY dance scene.
Dave and I have been trying to have children for 4 years now and are finally seeing a fertility specialist.  Our journey has been an emotional roller coaster and continues to be a challenge.
Auditioning in New York is no emotional picnic either.  Add to these new found stresses that my support system of friends I've developed at school for two years has now been cut from my life.  
Somehow sharing my experiences with all of you seems to help me find meaning in the struggle, and not feel quite as lonely.  I'm grateful for everything I've been given, my loving husband, the gospel of Jesus Christ, my talents, and my trials.  This will be a time of building faith and finding joy in the journey.  It promises to be very entertaining as well.  Here's to entry number one and new adventures to be had.
- Liz