Thursday, October 21, 2010

Fall has fallen...

The leaves are changing color and so are the bruises on my ankle. I decided to carry two gigantic boxes and a plate of cookies down the stairs Monday night and it did not end well; picture boxes, cookies, and my body careening down the stairs. My ankle got caught in the middle of the action and snapped like a crisp twig on a fall day. The excruciating pain was over in just a few hours, it turned out to be a sprain and not even a very bad one at that. I was hobbling through rehearsals today and faking it like a champ. Although I will miss some performances this weekend, I should be in fine form again in no time. It is truly such a blessing that my ankle is healing so fast.
The last few months have gone by in a blur. Dave is working much overtime as the design stage of Rio will be over in another week. Only Dave and one other member of the design team are still wrapping things up with Blu, the parrot, and the other lovable characters from the movie. It comes out April 11th, don't miss it.
I am dancing with a contemporary dance company in NY currently, Trio Dance Collective. It is proving to be a wonderful experience. I'm learning so much from my choreographers and fellow dancers. They are a delightful group to dance for. I'm also learning that I am very interested in choreographing my own work as well. One of my performances this weekend would have been a solo I choreographed on myself as part of a showing at DNA. Unfortunately, the ankle won't permit it so I will keep everyone posted on future showings.
Other than that, Dave and I continue to love working with the youth in our respective church callings. We had a multi-stake youth Standards Event on Saturday that was a huge success. It was a long day but well worth the effort, most of the 230 youth in attendance had a marvelous experience and we heard lots of wonderful feedback from leaders and parents. Of course one parent did tell me on Sunday that when he asked his son how the activity was his son responded "torture." I guess you can't please them all :)